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Gen 11:31,32; Gen 12:6,7; 16:4; 21:14 Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael. (God sets up an unsolvable problem)
2Ki 17:7,12–14; 2Ki 18:11; Hos 9:17 app 721BC Israel destroyed
Jere 19:13;15; Dan 1:1; 2Ki 25:2,3; 2Chr 36:19 app 135 yrs later Judah destroyed
Lk 1:63 John the Baptist born
Lk 2:11; Jn 1:1,14; 1Jn 4:2,3; 2Jn 1:7 Jesus born. Jesus Christ is come in the flesh
Lk 3:21 app age 30 Jesus baptized, fasted, ministry began
app 3½ yrs Ministry lasted app 3½ yrs
Lk 23:46 Jesus crucified
Lk 24:3 3 days aft crucifix. Jesus rose from the dead
Lk 24:51 40 days aft Resurrec. Jesus ascended up to heaven. The Holy Spirit came
Mk 16:19 Jesus sits on the right hand of God the Father
Lev 23:16; Ac2:1 50 days aft Resurrec. Pentecost or Weeks (Shavu’ot)
Rev 2:1­-7 Pentecost app 160AD Church 1. Ephesus
Mt 24:2 app 70AD Temple destroyed
Rev 2:8­-11 app 160­-313 Church 2. Smyrna
Rev 2:12­-17 app 313­-606 Church 3. Pergamos
Rev 2:18­-29 app 606­-current Church 4. Thyatira. Jezebel
Rev 3:1­-6 app 1517-current Church 5. Sardis
Rev 3:7­-13 app 1750­-current Church 6. Philadelphia. Best church
Isa 66:8,9; 45:5,6; 43:5,6,8; Mic 5:3; Ez 38:8,12; 37:21,22 May 14, 1948 Israel reborn. Latter days of the end times begins
Many Scriptures 1948 to the Rapture 365 prophecies from 1948 to the Rapture to be fulfilled
Rev 3:14­-22 1948 to the Rapture Church 7. Laodicea. Worst church ever. Most lukewarm
All lukewarm will be spit out, unless they repent
Rev 3:14­-22; M t25:5; 2Tim 4:3; Jere 23:20-32 Little teaching on repentance, obedience, hell, judgments, prophecy
Rev 4:1; Lk21:28; Mt 24; Mk 13 1948 to the Rapture When these things begin to come to pass, redemption draws near
    (Some of these prophecies include: See below)
Mt 24:37­-39,44; 1Pe 3:20; Lk 17:26-29; 2Pe 3:4,5 1948 to the Rapture Nearly 100% of the world would not believe the Rapture and Trib are imminent
Dan 2:40­-45; 7:7,19,23; 9:26; Rev 13:1; 17:10,12,18; 18:3,11 Now fulfilled Economic alliance where the Roman empire was (EEC or EU)
Dan 11:44; Ez 39:6; 38:22; Rev 6:3,4; Zech 14:8,12; Mt 24:22 Now fulfilled There would be weapons that could destroy all life on earth
Rev 17:1­-6; 18:1­-10 Now fulfilled There would be a worldwide church headquartered in Rome
Ezek 38:1­-4,14­-16 Now fulfilled There would be a great military power where Russia is today
Rev 16:12; 9:16 Now fulfilled A country where China is could field an army of 200,000,000
Mt 24:7; Lk21:7 Now fulfilled Various new diseases would appear
Lk 17:28; Gen 19:1­-14 Now fulfilled Many have alternate lifestyles. This is accepted as normal
Lk 17:25­-30; Gen 19:1­-4; Lk 21:12,16 Now being fulfilled For followers of Jesus, freedoms disappearing
Heb 12:25-27; 2Thes 2:3; Dan 8:23 Now being fulfilled Last 3 prophecies of the 365 being fulfilled now
Rev 4:1; 1Thes 5:15­-18; 1Cor 15:44­-54 (Feast of Trumpets) Very very soon TRANSLATION (Rapture) (of born again Christians who are ready-few)
Rev5:10 Very very soon Saints in heaven before the throne of God
Rev 6:1,2; 2Thes 2:3,6,8; Dan 8:23;7:24;9:26; Jn 9:43; Gen 3 Very very soon Man of sin comes forth (the Antichrist)
Dan 9:27; 1Thes 5:3; Isa 28:20 Tribulation begins Antichrist confirms covenant with Israel & others
Mt 24:22; Mk 13:20; Ro 9:28 Trib pt 1 1260 days, but Lord has shortened those days
Ez 38,39 Tribulation pt 1 Russian-Arab invasion of Israel (WW3)
Ez 38:18,19,21,22; 39:2,5,8 Tribulation pt 1 God defends Israel. 5/6 of invasion forces die
Dan 11:44; Ez 39:6 Tribulation pt 1 Much of Russia being destroyed. Much of US may be destroyed
Rev 8:7 Tribulation pt 1 1/3rd of all trees on earth burned up
Rev 8:7 Tribulation pt 1 All green grass burnt up. This would include crops
Rev 8:9 Tribulation pt 1 1/3 sea creatures die & 1/3 ships destroyed
Rev 8:11 Tribulation pt 1 1/3 of the waters become wormwood
Rev 6:6 Tribulation pt 1 Massive famines. A day’s wages for a day’s food ration
Rev 6:8; Ez 39:8 Tribulation pt 1 ¼ world’s population dies. App 1.8 billion people die
Ez 38:16,23; 39:6,7 Tribulation pt 1 God is magnified, as a result of destroying the invading forces
Rev 7:3­-8 Tribulation pt 1 144,000 male, virgin Jews emerge. Many saved and persecuted
Ez 16:49,50; 2Tim 3:1­-3; 1Tim 4:1,2; Gen 6:11,12; Mt 24:12 Tribulation pt 1 Sin continues to increase. Hate abounds
Mt 24:10 Tribulation pt 1 Those that become born again can expect to be betrayed
Dan 7:23 Tribulation pt 1 The 4th kingdom, the 4th beast shall be devouring the world
Rev 17:1­-6,18;18:3­-8 Tribulation pt 1 World religious system headquartered in Rome
Rev 13:3 Near midst of Trib Antichrist killed by a weapon with a wound in the head
Near midst of Trib Antichrist comes back to life
Rev 11:3,4 Near midst of Trib Two witnesses of God appear. Elijah & perhaps Moses
2Thes 2:4 Near midst of Trib Antichrist proclaims himself to be God. Moves into the Temple
Rev 13:13­-15 Near midst of Trib False prophet appears. Image of the beast made
Dan 9:27;11:31; Mt 24:15; Mk 13:14. Midst of Trib 1260 days from end Abomination of desolation. Image put on wing of Temple
Mt 24:15­-18; Mk 13:14; Lk 21:21 1260 days from end Born again Jews told to flee immediately
Mt 24:21 1260 days long Pt 2 of the Tribulation called the Great Tribulation
Rev 13:15 Tribulation pt 2 All that do not worship image should be killed (beheaded)
Rev 13:17,18 Tribulation pt 2 Must take mark or number of Antichrist’s name (666) or his name
Rev 13:17,18 Tribulation pt 2 If do not, cannot buy or sell
Rev 13:7; Dan 7:21,35; 8:24 Tribulation pt 2 Antichrist rules the world. Destroys the saints
Rev 9:3,4 Tribulation pt 2 Locusts with stings like scorpions torment men 5 months
Rev 17:16 Tribulation pt 2 The great whore and Rome destroyed by fire
Rev 16:2 Tribulation pt 2 Grievous sores on those that had the mark
Rev 16:3,4 Tribulation pt 2 Sea as the blood of a dead man. Rivers, fountains become blood
Rev 16:8,9 Tribulation pt 2 Sun causes men to be scorched with heat
Rev 16:10 Tribulation pt 2 Darkness on the kingdom of the Antichrist. Much pain
Rev 9:13­-21; 16:12 Near end of Trib 200 million troops from the east. 1/3 mankind killed
Rev 16:12 Near end of Trib Euphrates dried up
Rev 11:7­-12 Near end of Trib Two witnesses killed, but come back to life after 3½ days
Rev 11:7­-12 Near end of Trib Two witnesses ascend up to heaven. Their ministry 1260 days
Rev 10:1-10 Near end of Trib The seven thunders
Rev 10:6,7 Tribulation ends Time no longer. 1260 days from abomination
Joel 2:1­-10;3:2­-15; Lk 21:25,26; Zeph 14:1,2; Isa 13:4­-10 +++ Immed. after Trib Armageddon approaching. Armies gathered
Mt 24:29 Immed. after Trib Armageddon-immediately after the Tribulation
Rev 8:1 Immed. after Trib Silence in heaven
(Armageddon 2 parts. Pt 1 in the heavens, pt 2 on the earth)
Hundreds of verses. Rev 16:13­-21; 11:15,18,19; 19:19 Immed. after Trib BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON.  24 hours long. World afraid
Rev 19:11­-17 Immed. after Trib Jesus Christ returns with His saints.
Rev 19:20;20:1 Immed. after Trib Antichrist & false prophet cast into the lake of fire
Rev 20:2,3 Immed. after Trib Satan bound. Cast to pit. Seal on him. Can deceive no more
Rev 8:5; 11:13,19; 16:18,21; Isa 24:6; Jere 25:32 Immed. after Trib Christ uses the forces of nature to crush the world’s rebellion
Rev 14:20 Immed. after Trib At Megiddo, blood abt 5 ft deep for about 160+ miles
Isa 24:6; 10:19; 1:9; Mt 24:22 Immed. after Trib Few left alive on the earth
M t25:31­-46 Millennium Throne of His Glory Judgment
Dan 2:44; 7:13,14; Rev 20:4 Millennium Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, reigns over all
Ez 34:23,24 Millennium David is the shepherd and prince
Mt 19:27,28; Rev 20:6 Millennium Twelve apostles reign over the 12 tribes. Saints shall reign
Isa 65:25; 11:6-9 Millennium Wolf and lamb feed together. Lion shall eat straw
Ez 36:35; Ro 8:19-22 Millennium The desolate land like Eden. Curse removed from the land
Isa 35:5 Millennium No deaf or blind
Zech 8:4; Rev 20:8 Millennium People live to be very, very old. Population as sand of the sea
Isa 65:20,22; 60:14; 61:6; 62:12; Mal 3:12 Millennium World loves the Jew
Zech 14:8; Joel 3:18; Ez 47:1­-12 Millennium Healing waters to cure go forth from the Lord’s house
Rev 20:3,7 Millennium Thousand years ends
Rev 20:7­-9 After Millennium Satan loosed for little season. He goes out to deceive the nations
Rev 20:7­-9 After Millennium The nations surround the camp of the saints and Jerusalem
Rev 20:7­-9 After Millennium Fire comes from God and destroys them
Rev 20:10 After Millennium Satan cast into the lake of fire for ever and ever
Rev 21:1; 20:11 After Millennium Old heaven and earth pass away
Rev 20:11­-15 + many verses Great White Throne Judgement. Judgement of the unsaved
Lk 12:47,48 Unsaved beaten with few or many stripes
Rev 20:11­-15 ;21:8 Eternity Unsaved cast into the lake of fire for eternity
Rev 21:1 Eternity New heaven and earth
Rev 21:2,3,9­-27; 22:1­-6 Eternity New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven
Rev 21:4 Eternity No more tears, death, sorrow, crying, or pain
Rev 21:4 Eternity Former things pass away
Isa 66:17; Ecc 1:11 Eternity Memory erased
Many verses Eternity FOR EVER AND EVER